Visual Arts

Visual Arts at St Norbert College covers a range of creative media across all year levels.

All Year 7s get a “taster” course for one term and are then able to choose Visual Art as an elective through to Year 12. The program varies from year to year as we try to keep programs fresh. We offer a variety of media including ceramics, block-printing, non-toxic intaglio, acrylic, water colour and oil painting, collage, assemblage, reductive sculpting processes, installation and sometimes 4D formats. Students are taught core drawing skills, colour theory (and all other Elements & Principles of Art). They are also introduced to art criticism with a particular emphasis on contemporary practice such as Post Modernism and Post Colonialist theory and how they re-interpret more traditional artforms and pop culture.

Students at St Norbert College are encouraged to enter competitions and exhibitions. We are proud to include among recent graduates a top prize winner in the Angelico Art Awards and another selected to exhibit at the Art Gallery of Western Australia’s Pulse Perspectives. We’ve also had students works selected for major prizes such as the internationally renowned Mandorla Art Prize and the Meta Prize at North Metropolitan TAFE.